Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Possible Solutions to the Youth Violence Problem Essay

Possible Solutions to the Youth Violence Problem The birds are chirping, the sun is beaming down through the clouds, and you can hear the shrieks of excitement from the neighborhood park. Walking down the street, you envision raising your family on this picture-perfect street. As the vision becomes more and more detailed, however, the shot of a gun rings out from the distance. You duck behind a parked car, wondering where the bullet came from and why. Looking around, you are shocked to see a group of adolescents standing around another child, this one laying lifeless on the ground. As you rush over to help, the group scatters, and you notice all are wearing the same sign on their beanie hats. Looking down at the body, you see†¦show more content†¦However, this program seems to be more geared at recognizing whether or not a youth is a member of a gang, and only mentions â€Å"recognition of possible pre-gang behavior.† This does not seem to be very encouraging, as by the time parents and educators are looking into prevention it is already too late for the child. Another local program is the Family Place program, located at Texas AM University-Corpus Christi. The series of seminars discuss various issues ranging from divorce, sexuality, and homework, and also include ways to curb violence and aggressive behavior. This program is aimed towards parents, and provides an outside source to help enhance personal and physiological development within the community, striving to make the community a better place to live. Texas is a state that is known for its harsh punishment of criminals, especially towards those convicted of murder and the usage of the controversial subject, the death penalty. However, Texas has many programs that are intended for positive outcomes when dealing with minors and a life of crime. For instance, the Texas Youth Commission (TYC) â€Å"provides for the care, custody, rehabilitation, and reestablishment in society of Texas’ most chronically delinquent or serious juvenile offenders† (TYC). Judges from the 254 counties in the state of Texas send youth (ages 10 to 17 years) that commit felonies to aShow MoreRelatedSolutions For The Youth Violence1520 Words   |  7 PagesSolutions to Our Youth Violence Gang and youth violence has become a seemingly unfixable issue in countries around the globe. 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