Thursday, November 21, 2019

International Perspectives in Employment - Individual Business Report Essay

International Perspectives in Employment - Individual Business Report - Essay Example The next step will be to devise a packaging that is made from recycled products. This will not only reduce costs but will also be a good strategy to attract customers from the Corporate Social Responsibility Perspective. The next step will be a challenge for the marketing department. Their marketing strategies especially advertising will have to take a 360 turn and promote products as healthy, environmentally friendly and low in cost. 2 Findings 3 Conclusion 5 Recommendations 5 Following are the recommendations for the company after this evaluation: 5 Bibliography 6 Terms of Reference Introduction In order to conduct an evaluation for Nature Foods about how it should react to the changing business environment, it is extremely vital to take care of a few important points that will help in changing the way it operates. The evaluation is intended for the internal usage of the company, as an analysis of its position that is declining because of the global economic downturn as well as env ironmental concerns for customers that have become strong enough to make them switch brands. The recommended changes will help Nature Foods to adopt new strategies that will help them increase their sales as well as customer satisfaction. Following the research that has been conducted by the relevant staff of Nature Foods, a plan needs to be developed for making the required strategic changes for the company. This process of evaluation will try to involve as many people from the organization as possible, so that a unanimous decision can be made regarding the changes, and so that relevant people can be gathered who on one table can together decide what strategies are likely to be more effective. Procedure For attaining the objectives above, the procedure to be followed will long and will be implemented throughout the organization. First of all, the production department will be called for a meeting to help devise modified products that are entirely focused on health. The formulas and ingredients of the products will be changed after discussions with the senior management as well as the operations department, in collaboration with relevant medical help such as nutritionists. The next step will be to devise a packaging that is made from recycled products. This will not only reduce costs but will also be a good strategy to attract customers from the Corporate Social Responsibility Perspective. The next step will be a challenge for the marketing department. Their marketing strategies especially advertising will have to take a 360 turn and promote products as healthy, environmentally friendly and low in cost. Findings Global Business involves more than just making money After all the research that had been conducted, available material on this subject indicates that Global business is not just about making money anymore according to Czinkota, Ronkainen, & Moffett (2008). It involves many other things such as complying to international standards, a sustainable busine ss that is concerned about the future and that provides lower prices to the consumers in this era where they have many choices and switching costs are low, especially for evyday products like FMCG’s, to which Nature Foods belongs. Moreover, it is very difficult to ensure brand loyalty from the customers who are very rational and highly aware of global and market trends as well as opportunities

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